
1st WI

1st WI 1915

Embleton 100th Birthday Party

Embleton WI's 100th Birthday Party celebrated 1920's style .. a good night had by all in attendance.February 2024 .

trustee coffee moning Federation Trustee Coffee Morning Dean  March 2024 .

darts Federation Team Darts Mar '24

Dabble Day

Dabble Day March 2024 - Members from around the Federation had the chance to try some new arts and crafts.

Trustee AfternoonTeaafternoon tea

CCFWI Federation  Afternoon  Tea at  Moresby  Saturday 1st June  2004

albert hall bus c On Wednesday 5th  June  2024  delegates and  others from  Cumbria -Cumberland Federation attended the NFWI AGM  in       The  Royal  Albert  Hall  , what a fantastic experience . Delegates  will  in due course make their reports to present to  their WI's.

inside rah